Jullian Consultores Ltda. is registered in the Inspectors of Accounts and External Auditors Registry (RICAE) at the Financial Market Commission (CMF), under number 1055. We provide reliability in the processes and preparation of Financial Statements
Oriented to medium and large companies. Jullian Consultores, through its audit area, supervises the internal accounting teams of our clients.
Main services:
– Supervision of accounting process.
– Review of the correct accounting of operations.
– Review of treasury processes.
– Review of established control procedures.
– Accounting and tax closing.

Jullian Consultores, through its audit area, can advise you on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF). These accounting standards have been in effect in Chile since January 1, 2013, and they apply globally, establishing consistent rules that allow for a uniform interpretation of information contained in companies’ financial statements across any country.
Jullian Consultores has a highly skilled team of professionals well-versed in these standards. They will guide you through the transition from Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to IFRS, tailoring it to the specific needs and realities of your business.
Main services:
– Advice on the IFRS / IFRS convergence process
– Implementation of IFRS standards.